
Masterclasses to explore potential in Premium Cava

Masterclasses to explore potential in Premium Cava

Masterclasses to explore potential in Premium Cava. The masterclasses will focus on top end Cavas, including those from the new classification of Cava – Cava del Paraje – which is a premium category for single estate Cavas produced to strict criteria.

Organised by the drinks business and the Cava Regulatory Board, the events are free to attend, and will cover the UK, starting in Exeter, with an educational masterclass on Monday July 11, from 3-5pm (see schedule below).

As well as introducing the new single estate classification, the masterclasses will look at the best sparkling wines from DO Cava, and what contributes to their unique style and high quality.

Sparkling wine sales in the UK reached over £1 billion for the first time in 2015, and are continuing to rise.

While sparkling wine sales are increasing at a rate of 20% year-on-year in the off-trade, British bars, pubs and clubs are enjoying a sales increase approaching 50%, annually.

Click here to register your interest and for more information on the masterclasses. See below for the schedule.

Location Date Venue Host
Exeter Monday 11th July – 3-5pm ABode Hotel Hosted by Susy Atkins
Manchester Monday 19th September – 3-5pm The Palace Hotel Hosted by Jane Parkinson
Edinburgh Monday 3rd October – 3-5pm The Balmoral Hotel Hosted by Rose Murray Brown MW


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