
González Byass goes on tour with El Celler de Can Roca

González Byass is accompanying the Roca brothers around the world on their BBVA – El Celler de Can Roca 2016 Tour. London, Hong Kong, Phoenix and San Francisco are the stopovers of this tour on which Fino Tío Pepe, Leonor Palo Cortado and Oloroso Dulce Muy Viejo VORS will be perfect matches to the culinary offerings of this restaurant, awarded three Michelin stars.

Restaurants Café Royal (London), The Peninsula (Hong Kong), Four Seasons (Phoenix) and The Julia Morgan Ballroom (San Francisco) will be the venues where the art and quality of El Celler de Can Roca will merge with the personality of Tío Pepe, the character of Leonor and the experience of Matusalem. The menus, inspired by local dishes of the countries visited on the tour, will find the perfect companion for a unique dining experience in these three González Byass sherries, versatile and full of flavours and nuances. 

About the BBVA-El Celler de Can Roca Tour

London, Hong Kong, Phoenix, San Francisco and Santiago are, in this order, the cities chosen for this third tour. A proper tour around the globe on which the Roca brothers and some 40 members of their staff will embark, for 5 weeks, on a journey that will meet and honour the culinary culture of the countries visited.



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